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The Two Sides of Education - Conflict and Collaboration between Public and Private Education

▲What do you think about the relationship between public and private education? The original intention of private education is to help students fill in the gaps in their individual learning. However, in recent years, students of all ages, from elementary school to high school, have become overly dependent on private education, and many problems have arisen. This has led to a social construct in which public and private education have an adversarial relationship.

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So how can public and private education harmonize and work together?

 First, we need to understand the two sides of education. Public education is the system of education within the institutionalized system of the state, and almost all students are educated through this system. Private education, on the other hand, is education provided by specialized teachers in facilities outside of schools to supplement public education. The underlying cause of the conflict between public and private education began with competition and pressure to achieve. In today's society, there is pressure on all students to perform well academically in order to be competitive enough to move on to a better future.


 Before we discuss the two sides of education, let's look at education from a positive perspective. Providing opportunities to acquire knowledge helps students develop academic expertise. Academic knowledge helps students understand the world better and solve problems in different ways. Education helps students acquire the skills and competencies needed in a variety of careers. Public education also contributes to promoting social equality by making education accessible to all students. By providing all students with the same educational opportunities, it serves to reduce the educational gap between students from different walks of life. Education promotes social inclusion and citizenship because educated students are able to enter the workforce and have a greater awareness and understanding of society's issues. Education does not only develop academic competencies, but also teaches students to respect cultures and perspectives, which can increase harmony and understanding in a multicultural society, foster an international perspective, and provide opportunities for collaboration with other cultures. Education also has a positive impact at the national level by expanding employment opportunities and contributing to economic development. As such, education is essential for students' personal career advancement and economic success.


 Conversely, what about the negative aspects of education? The first is the education gap, which is arguably the biggest problem with private education. The difference in access to private education between students from affluent families and students from less affluent families is vast. With students from less affluent backgrounds receiving far less educational support than those from more affluent backgrounds, the education gap can lead to social inequality and create issues of opportunity and economic inequality. Students suffer from excessive mental stress due to academic competition. This pressure can lead to problems such as depression, anxiety, and psychological stress. As you probably know, all schools give tests on a regular basis. However, these tests show the limits of standardization. Excessive standardization in education can stifle creativity and diversity in students. Because school tests and educational policies don't take into account students' different learning styles and interests, standardized education can force students to focus on test preparation and limit their ability to develop real-world problem-solving skills. Students are overstressed by standardized education, which can lead to a distortion of educational goals. Social pressures and competition in education can prevent students from forming close relationships. These pressures can affect peer relationships, social progress, and emotional development. Competitive education can lead to confrontation and stress among students.


 There are many reasons why public education and private education have come into conflict. Because there is a competitive academic performance drive among parents and students, parents turn to private education to help their children improve their academic performance and get ahead in school. This competitive environment can put undue stress and pressure on students, which can lead to emotional problems and health issues. In addition to classes and assignments in public education, tutoring requires students to invest additional time and effort, which can lead to challenges such as not being able to concentrate during school hours and maintaining an overly busy schedule. Academic activities, including tutoring, leave students with a lack of free time. Lack of free time prevents students from being creative, relaxing, and physically active. This can lead to students having negative attitudes towards schoolwork, overwork and fatigue, and a vicious circle is created. Conflicts arise when there are conflicts over time and priorities between the public and private education systems. These conflicts can cause confusion and dissatisfaction in the education system, and can prevent it from improving. In a culture that socially emphasizes academic performance, parents strive to improve their children's academic performance. Value clashes between parents and students can create conflict within the home and shake relationships.


 I believe that the harmonization and cooperation between public and private education is essential for the efficiency of the education system and the comprehensive development of students. In order to develop and introduce education plans that harmoniously combine public and private education, private education should play a complementary role within the education system, integrating learning objectives and teaching methods. Cooperation between schools and private education institutions should be promoted, rather than relying too much on private education. Communication between students and parents should be supported and educational resources should be shared so that learning in school and private education are more harmoniously connected. It is necessary to provide parents with educational programs that teach them to understand the education system and how to support their children's education. This will enable parents to better balance private and public education. The education system should respect students' diversity and create an environment where they can develop their creativity, because we believe it is valuable to consider students' broad capabilities for their future, not just compete in grades. The cooperation between public and private education will contribute to improving the quality of education and promoting students' comprehensive development. To this end, schools and private education institutions should work closely together to improve the faulty education system and make students' educational experience richer.


Nayeon Lee (1-6)¹ | Staff Reporter

1) skdus073@gmail.com