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Generative AI’s danger and need for Sovereign AI Model


AI governs modern society

 You might see various Generative AI Models such as ChatGPT and so on. When people write some presentation script or satisfy their curiosity, they are helped by such models. Also, they are used as toys which can make some interesting stories. But can we blindly trust the information the models give us? Of course, people who use Generative AI usually choose the information's truth or falsehood. However, AI can deceive us in subtle ways.


Danger of Generative AI

 “Which expression is correct, the East Sea or the Sea of ​​Japan?” ChatGPT answered this question:

“The name of the sea is complex and can vary depending on the situation and context.”

This simple question can help us determine why we shouldn’t blindly trust generative AI. Several pieces of evidence have already been discovered proving why the sea in the east of Korea is the ‘East Sea’. Even maps which were made in Korea and around the world show that the East Sea is Korea's sea.

As we can see from this case, LLM (Large Language Model) which was made in the US didn’t understand a particular country’s history well. A Korean AI-related worker said, “I’m so concerned that if the AI technology dependence around the US gets harder, all around the world will be able to be influenced by the US’s decision-making.”, “the worst case can be the loss of our country’s identity, so we should get ready for it.”


The last solution, Sovereign AI

 What efforts are needed to solve these problems? Sovereign AI.

Sovereign AI is a strategy that a country or company can uses its own infrastructure and data to build independent artificial intelligence capabilities. Many countries are working to build sovereign AI to preserve their cultural diversity, and examples include France's LeChat and China's Ernie. In Korea, Naver is building an AI language model that is highly understandable in Korea's social and cultural context through Hyperclova and Hyperclova X. However, competitiveness in abroad markets is still insufficient.


The need for Sovereign AI

 We should not underestimate the influence of subtle loophole that Generative AI make, which is already used in various countries around the globe. It’s because it lowers the AI’s reliability, and badly influences a particular country’s digital sovereign. The entry of Sovereign AI will be able to solve these problems. So, the government’s active investment and citizens’ interest are in need.



By Staff Reporter Shin Jiho (2-6)