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Interview with Nam Hye-eun, a Graduate of Yonsei University's Department of Journalism and MCH

 Numerous universities in Korea have many departments focused on journalism, although each has a slightly different purpose. Basically, journalism is an academic field that studies the function, role, structure, operation, and theory of the press. Journalism studies aims to understand the social role and influence of the press, as well as their principles and characteristics. Journalism is significant in analyzing and interpreting media trends, public board roles, and the social impact of media using various research methods such as literature review, field research, surveys, interviews, content analysis, and social network analysis.


 MCH students who are interested in political and social issues and are exposed to news and articles are drawn to journalism.  However, many students don’t know the curriculum and goals of the journalism department. First, the name of the journalism department is slightly different for each school, and each’s goals are slightly different. Among them, Yonsei University's Department of Media and Communication was founded in 1972 under the name of the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting. So, we were eager to meet an MCH graduate currently enrolled in this department and have her describe the vision and educational goals of Yonsei’s Department of Media and Communication so we can share this with our students. 


About Yonsei University

△I know that you (Nam Hye-eun) graduated from MCH last year and are currently enrolled in the first year of Yonsei University's Department of Media and Communication. What is university life like? 

Hye-eun: I think I have a lot of free time compared to when I was in high school. At first, I didn't know how to use this time efficiently, so I wasted time, but these days, I am trying to use my time efficiently, such as tutoring, part-time jobs, clubs, and various classes.



△What are the pros and cons of university life?

Hye-eun: One advantage and disadvantage is that I can make a lot more of my own decisions.


△Please let us know if you have any expectations for the Department of Media and Communication. Why did you decide to go into the Department of Media and Communication?

Hye-eun: I had a dream of becoming a reporter since I was young. Before entering the school, my dream of becoming a journalist was firm.


△Can you tell us about the thoughts you had about the Department of Media and Communication before you entered this program? Did your thoughts change after entering and what have you learned?

Hye-eun: I thought I was uncertain about this department, and I thought there were few advantages, but after entering the school, I am very satisfied with the activities I’ve done to become a reporter, such as talking with professors and meeting anchors. In the first semester of the first grade, I took introductory journalism courses, and built up my general understanding and knowledge of the media. So far, we have learned social theory from famous scholars like Durkheim, Max Weber and Marx.  Their teachings as well as the research from well-known communication schools such as the University of Chicago and Columbia University have helped explain media phenomena, and the effects and functions of mass media. 


△There are many MCH students who are interested in the media, but there are not many who actually go on to the media department. What do you think is the reason for this?

Hye-eun: I think it's because of grades. This seems to be because universities have high requirements for entering the Department of Media and Information. But if you get into a top university using another department, you don't have to give up your media dream.


About the High School

△I know that your first club was the Tribune. Are there any activities that were helpful or memorable while you worked at the Tribune?

Hye-eun: The most memorable or helpful activity is writing for an English newspaper. For me, whose dream is to be a journalist, this activity helped me a lot. I am also considering working as a correspondent abroad, so I think this will be helpful. Also, it was an accomplishment to write an article in connection with my career path.


△Are there any tips for writing the Student Record and the self-evaluation?

Hye-eun: When writing a Student Record, include in-depth research and explore one activity rather than trying to include too many activities. In addition, explore various fields rather than studying only one area of journalism. Also, create and explore your own special activities that are different from others. When writing a self-evaluation, start with an outline. Include what you explored, how you felt, etc., and then write in depth to show your own special points.


△Many students have difficulties when selecting topics in activities such as performance tests. Did you have your own criteria for selecting topics?

Hye-eun: I recommend selecting a special topic that is different from others. As a Japanese language major, I once selected a topic to explore SNS, which was popular in Japanese. This way, you can create your own specialized topic and link it to your career path.


△Can you give any advice to first-year students who are feeling disappointed because they did not get the results they wanted on the first semester midterm exams?

Hye-eun: I also messed up a test once. At that time, I thought and then decided to become better rather than spending time on emotions. The past cannot be changed; only the future can. I studied with the conviction that positive results would come in the next test if I worked on the areas that needed to be improved.


△Are there any activities or actions you regret at Michuhol Foreign Language High School?

Hye-eun: There are no activities that I regret at Michuhol Foreign Language High School, but what I do regret is that I should have thought and acted a little more selfishly. I regret spending so much of my time and emotions on my friends which made it difficult for me to concentrate on my studies. 


△Michuhol Foreign Language High School has more activities than other schools, but it doesn't seem easy to include all the activities onto the student record. Still, do you think it's important to actively participate in many activities?

Hye-eun: In first grade, I recommend participating in many activities. Because if you participate in a lot of activities in the first grade, as the grade goes up, you can see what activities are right for you and what activities to do. Participate in activities that are related to your career path and that will help you.


△Do you have any advice or tips you would like to give to anyone who wishes to major in mass communication?

Hye-eun: I hope you don't compare yourself to others. If you compare yourself to others, you feel inferior. And, when there are friends who compare themselves to me, I think of them as competitors, which can make me anxious. I hope you have the confidence that you will be able to do well, think positively, and think of things to improve when you compare to your past self.


Choi Yunseo (1-4)¹ | Staff Reporter

Sun Minjun (2-4)² | Staff Reporter

1) dvstj0719@naver.com 

2) alswns060109@naver.com