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School problems mainly found

Students are feeling uncomfortable due to a few problems at school, there should be solutions for it

 During school, students may feel uncomfortable due to several factors, such as, problems in bathrooms like poor ventilation, frequent lack of toilet paper, clogged toilet, problems from the printer room like frequent lack of paper, and printer machines not working well, Students have experienced discomfort from these problems. Furthermore, students are able to feel uncomfortable even in their classroom. Several broken desks or chairs are unusable and garbage separation not done well are examples of problems that cause discomfort. In Tribune journal group, we had a process of investigation for figuring out what main problems exist and writing an article to promote solutions for these problems. Through information from prior research we have had, we found that students mainly feel uncomfortable in the auditorium, printer rooms, and vending machine.


Students feel uncomfortable from playing in auditorium

 Recently, in P.E classes, lots of teachers and students have been troubled by rubbish. “I usually pick at least 10 pieces of trash before I start the class”, said MCH’s P.E teacher Suck June Oh. Trash is everywhere including study rooms, and the art room. But the most remarkable place was the ‘auditorium’. Lots of students use the auditorium before and after lunch and dinner. There is no CCTV, or teachers supervising. Thus, even the moral students who used to follow the rules thoroughly think it doesn’t matter to leave everywhere. Especially when students had beverages from lunch or dinner, cans or plastics bottle on beverages are spread out through the whole auditorium.

Although there are students who clean the auditorium regularly after 7th period, teachers have to clean the auditorium before the classes begin so that trash wouldn’t be a bother for students to exercise during the classes. What’s more serious is that the floor of the auditorium is lumber. Lumber is likely to decay when it meets the sugary components. So, candy shells or bottles of drink make it very hard for the floor to be kept clean. Furthermore, it can additionally result in substantial amounts of insects involving ants. Suck June Oh teacher said that students have to behave as if someone is watching.

 He also requested, “if friends next to you try to leave trash, it’s your responsibility to stop them from doing that”. Unless students follow what he said, the auditorium should be blocked for a few days during lunch and dinner, so that students won't be able to use that. Then, the vicious cycle of trashing anywhere and being blocked to enter the auditorium would be continued.


Problems from the printer room should be solved

 Students in Michuhol foreign language high school have a whole day devoted to assignments, preparing for performance tests, and studying for exams. To prepare for these things well, documents such as presentation script, learning summary paper, or worksheets are necessary. Where can we print these? Printer room is the place where we are able to print these significant documents referred to above, Therefore students often go there and print what they want. Printer room is that important for students, However lots of students currently feel discomfort from a few problems from using this room.

At first, students feel uncomfortable from printer machines having error and not working frequently. When students try to print documents they need, the printing machine is often not working well, so students can’t print what they need and they have to go to other floors to find printing machines that work. According to an investigation, there were actually a few students who were not able to print documents for English and major language performance tests due to errors in the printer machine. Therefore, this problem should be dealt with quickly as possible. In addition, a problem of a frequent lack of paper and printer not connected well is also what students feel discomfort from. Paper is the most necessary in printing, Students usually can’t print due to lack of paper. They can bring paper from their house but it’s difficult to always do that. Furthermore, a problem of printing machines not connected well is what calls up discomfort. Actually, printer machines are often not connected to the computers well, so students can’t print what they need therefore they have to use their tablets but it’s hard to do. These problems are also what should be solved.


We want to pick and eat foods comfortably (Problems from vending machine)

 If students feel hungry in after class, even though they had lunch or dinner, they go to vending machine to pick up and eat various food or beverage. To us, the vending machine is a machine that we call a friend that soothes hunger. Therefore students frequently use and like it very much. However, currently students feel uncomfortable using this vending machine. A problem of it not recognizing our payment well and food getting stuck frequently is the first problem which students feel uncomfortable from. When students pick and eat food or beverage drink from vending machines, they usually use either a card or money, usually a card. However, there a few cases that vending machines can often not recognize cards well, so students can’t eat what they want.

Moreover, lots of students feel uncomfortable from food getting stuck in vending machines. This problem is the most serious one, in fact there were a few students who called for help from the manager to solve this problem. Approximately, this occurs three to five times in a week. Additionally, frequent error in machine is also what students feel discomfort from. When students go to vending machine to eat snacks, “It’s under maintenance” is seen a lot, so they can't eat the snacks they want. Furthermore, there are also cases of not being able to pick and eat food even though there are some. Food is filled in the space but the vending machine recognizes that space as vacant, therefore a problem occurs. In fact, there are a few students who couldn’t buy chips and sausage bread due to this problem.


 In school, there a few problems able to be found from which students feel discomfort. However, the more problems there are, the more interested we should be. Teachers and executives in school council have to come up with solutions for these problems Also managers in charge should be hard work to reduce these problems. Furthermore, students also have to recognize that these problems can occur readily and should be solved as quickly as possible.



By Staff Reporter Yoon Chanhee (1-2)

Moon Daekwon (2-5)