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North Korea's Satellite Launch Threatens World Peace

 On May 25, 2023, South Korea's Space rocket Nuri headed into space with a next-generation small satellite. Foreign media described Korea as one of the seven major space powers and congratulated the third successful launch of the Nuri. As a result, South Korea has laid the foundation for a projectile that will accelerate space development.


 Around the same time, North Korea notified Japan that it would blast a satellite between May 31 and June 11. Upon hearing this news, the Korean and Japanese governments expressed strong criticism. Japan even deployed an interception unit from the Self-Defense Forces. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said "North Korea's actions threaten the peace and security of our country, the region and the international community.", and demanded restraint from North Korea. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea said, “We strongly warn against North Korea’s announcement of a provocation that threatens peace, and urge the immediate withdrawal of the illegal launch plan. North Korea's "satellite launch" is a severe violation of the UN Security Council resolution which bans all launches using ballistic missile technology, and it cannot be justified under any pretext. On the basis of the cooperation between South Korea, the United States, and Japan, the government is determined to deliver a strong response to North Korea's provocations in close collaboration with the international community."

North Korea's satellite launch/ © Daegun Yoon, HankookIlbo

Satellite vs ICBM

 In fact, North Korea's satellite projectiles are not much different from intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs. This is because the same technologies are used from the fuselage design to the propulsion design induction control device and only the mounting design is different. When a rocket is combined with a warhead and a guidance system, it becomes a ballistic missile, and when a satellite is loaded, it becomes a satellite launch vehicle.


 The international community perceives North Korea's launch as a disguised satellite launch, employing ballistic missile technology in contravention of UN Security Council resolutions. 

Why is it illegal? 

 Then, why is South Korea's satellite launch legal and North Korea's illegal? It is because of the resolution of UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea. The UN Security Council has banned all launches by North Korea using ballistic missile technology. UN Security Council Resolution 1718, adopted in 2006, requests North Korea to refrain from conducting additional nuclear tests and launches of ballistic missiles, ceases all activities related to its ballistic missile program, and upholds its existing missile launch moratorium commitments. It also insists that all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs must be completely removed. In addition, UN Security Council Resolution 1874, adopted in 2009 for additional sanctions against North Korea, demands that North Korea no longer conduct nuclear tests or use ballistic missile technology, strengthen financial and economic sanctions on North Korea, and ban arms exports. 


 However, North Korea said that this satellite launch was a military reconnaissance satellite, and said  “It was very displeased that the Security Council is unreasonable and regards North Korea's exercise of its sovereign rights as an issue." North Korean Workers' Party Vice Minister Kim Yeo-jung said, "The fact that they brought our legitimate exercise of sovereignty to the UN Security Council and presented it is a blatant disregard and violation of our sovereignty," announcing that the launch of military reconnaissance satellites would continue and be strongly countered.

Obvious Provocation 

 However, North Korea's launch of a military reconnaissance satellite is a clear provocation and illegal because even the same science and technology produces different results depending on who uses it for what purpose. In other words, when space projectile technology is used with the intention of threatening the other side, it leads to the development of ballistic missile technology. The reason why the UN Security Council banned North Korea from launching projectiles is because North Korea's intention was seen as a military threat rather than space development. 


 In addition, the ‘Military reconnaissance satellite’ declared by North Korea is included in the “five-year plan for national weapons system development” reported to Kim Jung-eun at the 8th Labor Party Congress in January 2021. The plan includes reconnaissance aircraft, solid fuel missiles, and new tactical nuclear weapons. So it is difficult to see military reconnaissance satellites, which are part of the development of a weapon system that will threaten us, as simple science development.


 This satellite launch means that North Korea will continue its nuclear development. Since North Korea will not give up its nuclear weapons despite international sanctions and various difficulties, it can be seen that they are trying to launch a military reconnaissance satellite for the symbolism of presenting concessions such as “nuclear disarmament talks with the US” rather than “denuclearization.” 


 North Korea's recent missile launch represents a clear breach of UN Security Council resolutions, constituting a significant provocation that jeopardizes both peace and security, not only on the Korean Peninsula but also be a global threat. Therefore, the cooperation of the international community is urgently needed for peace in East Asia and furthermore, in the world. 


Kwon Seorim (1-1)¹ | Staff Reporter

1) w.forest0102@gmail.com