The world's interest in 'Chat GPT' (hereinafter referred to as Chat GPT), an artificial intelligence chatbot specializing in conversation developed by the American startup Open AI, is hot. Chat GPT is a chatbot that provides information on users' questions based on an online database, and it has been evaluated that the completeness of the answers is more advanced than the existing artificial intelligence service. Open AI, the developer of Chat GPT, has put forward a policy not to include content that promotes violence or illegal acts, political viewpoints, or sensitive content in its responses, considering ethical issues. It also stated restrictions on the site's initial screen, such as "it may sometimes generate incorrect information" and "may sometimes generate harmful instructions or biased content." Starting with Chat GPT, various open AIs are appearing, such as Bard. Rather than looking for information on the Internet, people have started asking Open AI for information, and students are also seen using it to do their homework. This kind of open AI may produce inaccurate answers due to the nature of collecting multiple data and coming up with answers, but if asked about objective facts no matter what language and tone, it must give a consistent and objective answer to one fact. The issue of Dokdo territorial claims between Korea and Japan was an appropriate topic to see if open AI could produce accurate statements, so I decided to ask Chat GPT and Bard about Dokdo in Japanese and Korean, respectively.
Ask Chat GPT about Dokdo.
In Korean, I used the word "Dokdo" to ask two questions. In Japanese, the same question was asked, but the word " Takeshima" was used instead of "Dokdo."
△Whose land is Dokdo?
"Dokdo is an island that is currently under the control of the Republic of Korea. The Republic of Korea claims Dokdo as its own territory, and Dokdo is recognized as part of the Republic of Korea. However, Japan also claims Dokdo as its territory, and disputes over it continue. Dokdo is also known as "Takeshima" in Japanese and is even marked as Japanese territory on some maps of Japan. For this reason, the territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea over Dokdo continues."
△Internationally, Whose land is Dokdo considered to be?
"Internationally, territorial disputes over Dokdo are still ongoing, and various countries and international organizations do not take a clear position. But in general, there is a strong position that the Republic of Korea has control over Dokdo."
I asked it about Dokdo in Korean. To briefly summarize the answer to this, Dokdo is claimed as Korean land in Korea, but the dispute with Japan has not been resolved. Internationally, however, the prevailing opinion is that Dokdo is Korean land.
△Whose land is Takeshima?
"Takeshima (or 'Takeshima' in Japan, but called 'Dokdo (Dokdo)' in Korea) is an island that is in the midst of an ongoing territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea. There has been a long-standing dispute between Japan, which claims that Takeshima is an island of Japan, and South Korea, which claims to be an island of Korea.”
△Internationally, Whose land is Takeshima considered to be?
"Regarding the territorial rights of Takeshima, discussions are still ongoing internationally, and no definite conclusion has been reached. At present, there is no internationally recognized territorial claim.”
When I asked the same question in Japanese using the word Takeshima, I got quite different answers. To sum up, there is a dispute between South Korea and Japan over Takeshima, and there is no internationally recognized public opinion.
Ask Bard about Dokdo
I asked Bard the same question.
△Whose land is Dokdo?
"Dokdo is the land of Korea. Dokdo has been recognized as a Korean territory for more than 380 years, and there are many historical, geographical, and international legal grounds to prove that it is a Korean territory. Despite the fact that Dokdo is Korean land, Japan is illegally occupying Dokdo. The Korean government is trying to let the international community know that Dokdo is Korean land and to reclaim Dokdo."
△Internationally, Whose land is Dokdo considered to be?
"Dokdo is internationally considered the territory of the Republic of Korea. Dokdo was declared the territory of the Republic of Korea in the 1951 San Francisco Treaty, and under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Dokdo is within the territorial waters of the Republic of Korea. In addition, there are many historical, geographical, and international legal grounds to support the fact that Dokdo is an inherent territory of the Republic of Korea. Japan claimed Dokdo in 1952, but the international community did not recognize it. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution reaffirming that Dokdo is the territory of the Republic of Korea, and since then, resolutions have been adopted by various UN bodies supporting Dokdo as the territory of the Republic of Korea. It still claims Dokdo, but the international community does not recognize it. Dokdo is the territory of the Republic of Korea and will continue to be the territory of the Republic of Korea."
When asked about Dokdo in Korean, it is said that Dokdo is Korean territory, based on various grounds. Although there was a territorial dispute with Japan, Dokdo was shown to be Korean territory and internationally recognized as Korea's.
△Whose land is Takeshima?
"Takeshima is the territory of the Republic of Korea under international law. Takeshima is recognized as the territory of Korea by the San Francisco Treaty of 1951 and is Takeshima located in the territorial waters of the Republic of Korea based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Japan landed in Takeshima in 1952 and claimed it, but the international community did not recognize it. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution reaffirming that Takeshima is Korea's territory, and since then, many UN agencies have adopted resolutions supporting Takeshima as Korea's territory. Japan still landed on Dokdo and claimed it, but the international community does not recognize it, so Dokdo is Korea's territory."
△Internationally, Whose land is Takeshima considered to be?
"Takeshima is considered by the international community to be the territory of the Republic of Korea. It is determined to be located within the territorial waters of the United States. In addition, Takeshima is an ancient territory of Korea, and it has many historical, geographical, and international legal foundations. Japan landed in Takeshima in 1952 and claimed it, but the international community did not recognize it. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution reaffirming that Takeshima is Korea's territory, and since then, many UN agencies have adopted resolutions supporting Takeshima as Korea's territory. Japan still landed on Takeshima and claimed it, but the international community does not recognize it, so Takeshima is Korea's territory."
What is the problem with open AI's answer that varies depending on the language and word?
When asked about the Dokdo in Korean, Chat GPT replied that it was not sure if it owned Dokdo, but that the claim that it was owned by South Korea was stronger. When asked in Japanese, he took a completely neutral stance, only mentioning that it was still being debated. This answer lacks objectivity and coherence, and no supporting evidence is presented. When asked the same question, regardless of whether it is Korean or Japanese, Bard consistently stated that Dokdo is Korean territory, and presented various objective data.
If you ask an AI for the same information, it should only answer certain facts, regardless of the tone or language of the speech. Otherwise, factual information loses objectivity, which can lead to various problems. If information about an internationally discussed event, such as the territorial rights of Dokdo, is not consistent across languages, it can lead to misleading knowledge and interests, which can lead to international disputes.
It seems that the information provided by AI still has limitations in terms of consistency and objectivity. Users should not rely too much on AI to handle tasks or tasks, because they can have false information, and users need to be able to critically absorb information when using AI. Engineers who operate AI should also clearly recognize the limitations of AI as it is highly influential, and create AI that efficiently delivers accurate information.
Yoo Nayeon (2-3)¹ | Staff Reporter
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