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Bio-Mimicry Technology, Is This Integral for Human Development Indeed?

Bio-mimicry technology, is this integral for human development indeed?

 Have you ever heard of technology from natural imitation? or do you have trust on it? There is technology inspired from nature, this is called “Bio-mimicry technology”. Currently, technology with natural inspiration such as bio-mimicry is anticipated to make every life much better, and there is also prospect that this technology is developing human generation, then how is it possible?

What is bio-mimicry technology?

 Bio-mimicry technology is called “nature inspired technology”, It is technological oriented approach focused on adding natural lessons. This technology produces products modeled with nature. Then, how is it that prominent? According to Janine Benyus, American famous natural science writer and mother of bio-mimicry technology, she said “Learning from natural world can make profound switch, so bio-mimicry emerges discipline to create healthier and more sustainable planet” in Ted talk. In everyday life, we can see diverse products based on this technology and these provide us with more comfortable life. Furthermore, it is also anticipated that bio-mimicry technology is able to make human development for our life, so this receives attention from people highly.


What kind of works based on this technology can we see?

 It is said that products based on bio-mimicry provide us with more comfortable life. Then, what products can we see are based on this technology? For instance, there is swimsuit inspired from shark scale. Can you guess why sharks are able to move quickly? that reason is in sharks skin. Shark skin is covered with tiny and flat V-shaped scales called “Dermal denticles”. These scales have lower friction against water, so sharks are able to move quickly in the water. Inspired from sharks skin, people made swimsuit which can help swimmers to move more quickly in the pool. Actually, swimmers with this suit have accomplished 13 world new record in 2000 Olympic in Sydney.

© Wallpaperbetter; 한국경제; 구글 쇼핑

 Another example is “Barnacle glue”. Glue is adhesive tool which is necessary in attaching something. There is also glue inspired from nature, which is barnacle adhesion. As you know, barnacles can be attached to fixed or moving surfaces such as rocks, piers, boats, and carapace of turtles with high adhesion. Through this, barnacle glue with permanent adhesive force can be made. Furthermore, liquid styptic inspired from barnacle has also been made, it is hardened in 15 seconds.

© Wikipedia; LG 케미토피아

 Furthermore, we are able to find one more invention. People should be injected vaccine or remedy for prevention against diseases. However, sharp and feeling unpleasant needle in injections makes us annoyed, and it is awful for children indeed. Some people even wish that painless injection would be developed. But as they wish, It is really developed. This injection is called “Painless shot from a real pain mosquito”.  If we are bitten by mosquito, perhaps we cannot recognize that we were bitten, that is due to its feature. Simply, when mosquitoes insert proboscis (sharp mouth), they use vibrating to penetrate vessel with a softer tip. Through this, we feel nothing even though they suck blood. Inspired from this, micro-needle for painless injection was created, and there is also anticipation for generation with this invention.

© Cleveland Clinic; 코코의원

What prospect will this technology show to us?

 Bio-mimicry, the technology inspired from nature, there is question how this technology will affect human development. As you saw, it is possible to create more sustainable design solutions and eco-friendly products for people through this technology. In the future, designers will be able to create more beneficial design for people through this. Bio-mimicry has the potential to revolutionize how people design products and manufacturing process, so bio-mimicry will be seen positive in the future for all.


Moon Daekwon (1-5)¹ | Staff Reporter

1) deakwon0721@gmail.com