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Pioneering Introduction of The Separation of Powers, What Does Legislature Do?

The Separation of the Three Powers of Michuhol Foreign Language High School

 Michuhol Foreign Language High School introduced the three separate powers system for the first time last year. Since then, the student council has been divided into the legislature, the judiciary, and the administration to take charge of the school's work. This year, every student must be feeling that more and more work is being handled by the student council. For example, the SSM (School Safety Monitors) and penalty system policies are at the center of controversy among students. As a result, students' curiosities and questions about the student council are growing. They are wondering how the separation system of the three powers helps schools and how the school operating system has changed.


 Among them, the legislature is in charge of enacting school rules that apply directly to students, so students need to improve their understanding of the legislature. In addition, since the legislature represents students, it is urgent to deliver accurate information about the student council to students.


 I met Kwon Na-Kyung, Vice Chairman of the Legislature of Michuhol Foreign Language High School, and conducted an interview. The following is our discussion about the legislature.

Questions & Answers

△I'd like to start by asking you about what the legislature does. I think this is what students are most curious about. Please explain what the legislature is responsible for in the student council or school.

Na-Kyung: The student council legislature is an institution where students make their own laws on campus. The role of the National Assembly of the country is similar to that of the legislature within the student council. The legislature is responsible for establishing student rules that are involved in detailed matters of school regulations, reviewing and settling student council budgets, and accepting suggestions for students' welfare.


△Next, I wonder how the legislature is structured. Please explain what each department constituting the legislature has, what it does, and what positions the members of the legislature have.

Na-Kyung: The legislature consists of a chairmanship and three departments each responsible for the three roles described above. First, the chairmanship consists of the second-year student autonomy chairman and the first-year student autonomy vice chairman, who organize the student autonomy council meeting and oversee all the affairs of the legislature. Next, the Legislation and Judiciary Committee is mainly responsible for enacting and revising laws on campus. The Budget and Accounts Committee supervises the use of the appropriate budget by receiving, reviewing, and returning or passing the budget bill from the administration of the Student Council. Also, at the end of the semester, the legislature is in charge of settling the student council budget. Finally, the Living Welfare Committee is also composed of the chairman and vice-chairman and plays a role in promoting improvement by collecting suggestions from students on campus.


△A year after the formation of the school’s new system, the legislature is likely to be planning and carrying out more systematic work. What have the legislature done and what are the plans for the future?

Na-Kyung: Michuhol Foreign Language High School's separation system is a very pioneering student council operating system that not many schools have implemented yet. Therefore, the first task of the legislature was to establish the criteria for deliberation of the school's budget, the passage process of the budget, and the settlement process. The Legislation and Judiciary Committee passed this procedure last year, and this year applied it to review the administration's budget. At the end of the semester, we plan to settle the budget bill and disclose the budget settlement report document containing the details of the budget expenditure for the semester and the legislature's feedback on it to all students. In addition, the Legislation and Judiciary Committee has established legislative procedures and supplemented them through its own meetings and continuous mentoring by the Justice. We will apply this to establish our own rules for students who correspond to the details of the school rules. 


 The Living Welfare Committee is pushing for the introduction of a "Michuhol Petition." The "Michuhol Petition" is a place for students to post suggestions and express their consent to the school, and will be available through the Riroschool. In addition, the Living Welfare Committee is responsible for collecting opinions from local councilors on the overall school life from meetings. 


 Finally, the legislature changed the vending machines, which will now accept credit cards, and increased the number of machines. Also, we are planning an event for the convenience of students through continuous meetings.


△Recently, there has been news that the legislature is adjusting the penalty points system for schools and dormitories. Since the rules of living are important things that apply directly to students, students need to know in detail the rules that are enacted themselves. Please explain what kind of issue it is.

Na-Kyung: Yes, there has been a recent discussion within the student council about adjusting the penalty point system. First of all, as currently decided, the legislature would like to integrate the penalty point system for schools and dormitories, and change the name to meet the purpose of education, away from the name of "penalty point." Students who score higher than the standard penalty score, which is to be determined after discussing with the judiciary, will also participate in the court and receive a reformation education. Since it is still under discussion, there may be changes, and the contents will be notified to students as soon as it is confirmed.


△The Budget Settlement Committee is the department in charge of the school's budget. In the country, if the government hands over the budget to the parliament, the parliament's Budget and Accounts Committee reviews it by division. Does Michuhol Foreign Language High School function in the same way? Also, what does the legislature plan to do for transparency in budget activities?

Na-Kyung: The legislature is also reviewing the budget in a similar process. According to the manual, the Budget and Accounts Committee first notifies the administration of the criteria. And when receiving a budget proposal from each department of the administration, it focuses on the feasibility of the purpose of using the budget and the possibility of reducing the budget and proceeding with the first budget. The Ministry of Student Life and Home Affairs review and the budget settlement committee need to inform the administration of the reason for the rejection based on the budget review criteria. If the administration sends the budget again after revising the rejected budget, it will proceed with the second budget and review it once again. Finally, it is a principle to review and finalize the budget before using it. 


 At the end of the semester, the settlement of accounts will be conducted, and the local council will deliberate on budget expenditures and deliver corrective requirements to the administration. The administration completes the settlement process by processing corrective requirements, reporting results, and final disclosure of budget settlement reports. For transparency in budget activities, the legislature is reviewing the administration's budget proposals by strictly applying the criteria for reviewing the budget. The legislature has prepared a very systematic review process, and at the end of the semester, we will complete the settlement of accounts and transparently disclose the budget settlement report to all students in writing to help them solve their questions about using the student council's budget.


△There are students who are interested in working in the student council. Please tell me about the characteristics of the legislature among the legislature, the administration, and the judiciary, and the qualities of the students working in the legislature.

Na-Kyung: Unlike the administration, which handles administrative affairs for each department, and the judiciary, which conducts autonomous courts, the entire legislature gathers to hold meetings and document and organize complex issues. Therefore, many aspects of quality are required. First, communication skills are very important. Each department within the legislature is characterized by a close exchange of opinions and moving as if it were a department. Because the legislature has a lot of issues to discuss, and there are so many intersections with the administration and judiciary. So, students who are good at communicating have the first capabilities as members of the legislature. The second is sincerity. As you can see in the interview, the legislature is engaged in a variety of activities. It is true that the ability to handle it is important. We hope for a lot of applications from students who are confident of faithfully performing the work of the legislature. Finally, fresh ideas are important. The legislature is an organization that was not in the existing student council. They are also in charge of differentiated tasks from student councils run by other schools. We hope we can share the footsteps of the legislature with students with communication skills, sincerity, and fresh ideas.


△At the end of the interview, please share some words with the students entering Michuhol Foreign Language High School. 

Na-Kyung: Michuhol Foreign Language High School is one of the few schools that realize the separation of the three powers. Not many schools operate these autonomous systems, including Korean Minjok Leadership Academy. There have been many twists in the process of operating systems and there are many things to be done in the future, but we are taking a new path for change. It's obviously not easy to take a new path, but at the same time, it's very valuable. As the Michuhol Foreign Language High School Student Council walks this road, I think that you, who have decided to enter Michuhol Foreign Language High School, are on the way to a new path. I applaud your courage and cheer you on for your future journey. Open your way at the proud Michuhol Foreign Language High School and walk on it. The legislature of the Michuhol Foreign Language High School Student Council wants to accompany you on your own path.

The Mindset Students Should Have

 The Michuhol Foreign Language High School Students' Association passed the standard draft and procedure last year, and it will be applied according to the procedure step by step this year in accordance with the procedure. As only a few schools have implemented the autonomy of students of the three powers so far, the three powers separation system is a pioneering school management system. It is time for students to no longer criticize the student council with doubts, but to support the student council, which introduces a new system to establish a school system for students.


Park Sehyeon (2-7)¹ | Staff Reporter

1) pysyhy@naver.com