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MCH Interview with the Managers of School Clubs 2 Unlike Club 1, whose focus is conducting academic research in students’ career fields, Club 2 promotes students' hobbies and artistry. Students can choose from clubs that suit their interests and will allow them to demonstrate their skills. This year, the activities in these clubs have become important. Special activities that educate students about specific anniversaries and current issues will..
Pioneering Introduction of The Separation of Powers, What Does Legislature Do? The Separation of the Three Powers of Michuhol Foreign Language High School Michuhol Foreign Language High School introduced the three separate powers system for the first time last year. Since then, the student council has been divided into the legislature, the judiciary, and the administration to take charge of the school's work. This year, every student must be feeling that more and more work..
Interview with Michuhol Foreign Language High School Graduates ▲I conducted two interviews with students from the MCH 11th graduating class, who are learning at major universities in Korea. First, I interviewed Kim Hyorim, who is majoring in International Studies at Kyung Hee University. This is the content of the interview. △What motivated you to go to the international department? Kim Hyorim: Since I was young, I attended an American international school ..
Justice Within A School, Is It Alive? Michuhol Foreign Language High School, a school full of students with a lot of talent and energy. Entering the school, it is not hard to notice a sense of freedom that permeates the air. However, it's not just about freedom. At Michuhol Foreign Language High School, students are also responsible for their own guidance and welfare system. Since 2022, in Michuhol Foreign Language High School, we h..
Special sports meeting at Michuhol Foreign Language High School ▲On May 4th, Michuhol Foreign Language High School held a sports day. It was the first sports day after the cancellation of the mask mandate. It allowed students to have a clearer view of all the happy smiles. Both the freshmen, who had just gone through their first exams in high school, and the juniors, who are starting their journey with renewed enthusiasm, anticipated this day. Filled with ex..
Interview with Nam Hye-eun, a Graduate of Yonsei University's Department of Journalism and MCH Numerous universities in Korea have many departments focused on journalism, although each has a slightly different purpose. Basically, journalism is an academic field that studies the function, role, structure, operation, and theory of the press. Journalism studies aims to understand the social role and influence of the press, as well as their principles and characteristics. Journalism is signif..
Interview with a Graduate from Michuhol Foreign Language High School On May 4, 2023, we interviewed a senior who had graduated from Michuhol Foreign Language High School in 2021. Among the seniors, we interviewed Daso Kim, a 10th graduate of MCH Chinese language department student. She was accepted to Chung-Ang University and is currently enrolled in the Department of English Language and Literature at the school. When she had been a student at Michuhol Foreign L..
Interview with the New ‘Literary’ Principal ▲On March 2nd, Kim Jin-Young was as the new principal of Michuhol Foreign Language High School. The Tribune, the club for the school’s English newspaper, had interview with him on May 9th to know how he feel about Michuhol Foreign Language High School and what his goals and plans are. Our questions focused on his philosophy of education and his ongoing literary activities. On March 2nd, Kim Jin-..